3 Mistakes Organizations Make on Facebook that Drive Away Customers

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If you have a Facebook page for your organization, you are in good company. Facebook is the most popular social media platform for U.S. marketers with 87.5% planning to use it in 2020. Incorporating Facebook into the marketing strategy for your company or organization can yield growth and new customers. 

But just because it’s popular, doesn’t mean that everyone is using Facebook effectively. In fact, there are mistakes business leaders make that not only weaken their Facebook page, but turn customers away from engaging with their brand. Let’s go over three of those mistakes here.

Mistake #1 – Unclear Branding and Company Information

In recent years, Super Bowl commercials have become as much of a spectacle as the big game itself. Everyone (or maybe just marketing nerds) tunes in to see what amounts to a $5 million idea. Some commercials are creative, edgy or moving, but at the end of that 30-second spot, you often have no clue what it was meant to be advertising. Facebook pages can be confusing like that, too. In an effort to be trendy or clever, you might end up coming across too obscure. You want to make a strong impression on your prospective customers and help them make a connection with your organization, not leave them wondering, “what’s this about?”


First, choose a profile photo and cover photo or video that clearly represent your brand. Use the profile photo to display your company or organization’s logo. Make sure the graphic is uploaded at the correct size so that it doesn’t appear pixelated or fuzzy. Your cover photo should use imagery that shows what you have to offer and connects to your brand promise. You can use a short phrase to describe your mission statement or what sets you apart for your target audience.

The second way that Facebook pages can be unclear is in their company information. Make sure you utilize the About section to give people details about your company or organization. And don’t leave off a link to your website. A 2019 study showed that Facebook had 80.4% of social referral share to e-commerce sites when compared with other social media platforms. Give your audience ways to go deeper with your company or organization both on your page and in your posts.

Mistake #2 – Promoting Yourself Too Much

Promoting yourself too much is an easy habit to fall into. After all, that’s the reason you created the Facebook page in the first place. You were looking to gain awareness, sales, customers, and rightly so. But there is such a thing as too much self promotion. 100% of your Facebook posts should not be about your products or services, sales or the latest deal. Instead, engage your audience with stories, ideas, and questions that relate to your mission and the solution your product offers. Use creative videos and photos to build a strong connection with your Facebook followers so that when you do post about that sale, they are still listening.


A healthy mix of audience engagement and promotion on your page could look like two engaging posts for every one promotional post.

Mistake #3 – Ignoring Your Audience

The third mistake organizations can make with their Facebook pages is ignoring their audience. Your organization’s Facebook page should not be treated like a billboard that is passively promoting your products or services. Instead, it is a point of direct connection to your organization that serves as two-way communication.


Make sure you promptly follow up with any direct messages you receive. Monitor the comments on your posts and respond to questions or issues posed there. If your followers feel that there is a human being at the other end of your Facebook page, they will be more likely to engage and have a positive experience with your brand.

One other way to make sure you aren’t ignoring your audience is by curating content on your Facebook page that is tailored to them. Talk about the things they care about and ask for their opinions. Don’t ignore what makes your specific target audience unique. Find out what drives them and engage them on that topic.

How does your Facebook page stack up? 

If you were guilty of any of the three mistakes mentioned here, not to worry. There is always room for growth and improvement. Plus, these mistakes come with solutions that are not difficult to implement.  With a few small changes and a solid social strategy, your organization’s Facebook marketing can thrive.

Let us help you succeed on Facebook!

Whether you’re a social media newbie, or just looking for a little guidance, our Soulheart experts can help. Let us help you increase the likes on your Facebook page and gather new qualified leads for less money. Complete the form below to get started with a free Facebook Likes campaign.

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Picture of Emma Schenkel

Emma Schenkel

Emma is the Soulheart Marketing + Content Strategist. She loves helping organizations connect with their audience and communicate effectively. As a lifelong resident of Colorado, the only way she knows which way is West is by finding the mountains. Emma loves reading, playing with her kids, and helping with the youth at her Broomfield, CO church.
Picture of Emma Schenkel
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Emma Schenkel

Emma is the Soulheart Marketing + Content Strategist. She loves helping organizations connect with their audience and communicate effectively. As a lifelong resident of Colorado, the only way she knows which way is West is by finding the mountains. Emma loves reading, playing with her kids, and helping with the youth at her Broomfield, CO church.

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