Sketch is the design platform we adopted in our business during 2015. For more than a year, we’ve been building designs and sites rapidly and much more efficiently than we ever could in Photoshop.
Most people think of Sketch as only a UI tool, but we’ve found that it can replace even some basic photo editing that Photoshop offers itself such as color overlays:
In addition to overlays, however, Sketch allows us to rapidly prototype multiple iterations of a design quickly to show to our clients. The simple duplicate tool creates a completely new artboard directly to the side of your current one that you can scroll or zoom to see side by side.
Photoshop lets you create window tabs, for but isn’t really conducive to showing everything. Adobe has since made some updates to mimic this feature, but it’s still nowhere near as simple as Sketch.
See our mockups for the recently launched Lead THE Cause:
Other Sketch articles and resources: