In our 9 Practical Business Marketing Tips You Can Apply Today series, we’re giving you one quality marketing tip every day for two weeks and showing you how to apply it step-by-step. Today, we’ll talk about tip #6, creating better lead forms.
1. What is a lead form, and what makes it better?
A lead form is exactly what it sounds like! It’s where customers give you some contact information in return for a free product, like a newsletter subscription or an ebook. Leads forms are the first step in establishing a relationship between customer and company, so it’s crucial that they capture your potential customers’ interest.
Lead captures such as MailChimp are great because they offer free plans and give you a wide variety of customization options. You can adjust the copy and collect the types of information that you want. If you’re interested in lead captures from the European Union, they even offer GDPR compatibility.
The best lead forms are the ones that – you guessed it – create the most high-value leads. They are clear, direct, and offer something irresistible to visitors to your site.
2. Why is creating better lead forms a good marketing tip?
This one is pretty simple! If you have better lead forms, you can create a marketing strategy that will take customers to the lead form itself. Once potential customers are there, a great lead form will encourage them to seal the deal.
3. How can you apply this tip today?
1. Think through your copy
A lead form must be written well. What you’re offering should be direct, concise, and compelling. It’s a good idea to read it aloud several times, watching for any moments where you stutter or find yourself having to pause. That’s indicating that the words aren’t flowing as well as they could.
Remember that these words make a difference when it comes to generating leads – it’s worth it to get the wording exactly right, even if it takes several tries.
2. Make a strong call to action (CTA)
The reason why someone should fill out your form should be abundantly clear. Ambiguity is not your friend here! Make sure that customers know what to expect to receive in return for filling out the form. Ideally, your call to action should also be short and memorable. Customers should remember it after they’ve already filled out the form.
3. Unclutter the page
A lead form should have a beautiful design. Don’t overcrowd the page with statistics or testimonials – instead, let the form speak for itself. When it doubt, go for less but more impactful design principles and copy.
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