
An image of a lock representing the need for wordpress website security.
Timothy Jennings

What Steps You Should Take To Ensure Your WordPress Website Is Secure

Website Security: an often overlooked factor when considering your new website. It is vitally important though! A compromised, or hacked, website can bring utter terror to your business, organization, or nonprofit. This article will give you a detailed game plan on how to avoid website hacks and what steps you should take to ensure your

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Contenet and SEO What You Need To Know. SEO Tips. Search Engine Optimization. seo. search engine optimization tips. Image of a man standing in the desert looking through binoculars.
Timothy Jennings

Content And SEO: What You Need To Know

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a tricky puzzle that is always changing. Search engines, such as Google, are always changing their algorithms and they give very little information about them. Their secret algorithms make it hard for even the best SEO experts to manage and maintain a lead on the competition. But there is some

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