We love sharing resources that we use or create in order to help our clients create better websites. Below are three resources we believe you need to check out right now to help you know if your website needs improvement to help you reach your organizational goals.
Check out our three resources you need to understand how to create a better website:
12 Critical Elements Every Website Homepage Must Have
Hubspot does a great job in breaking these critical elements into bite-sized chunks. We routinely follow their resources because they stay in the know with the right focus for an organization’s digital presence.
5 Minute Marketing Makeover
Donald Miller, author of NY Times Bestselling book Blue Like Jazz and CEO of StoryBrand, created this FREE video series to help you quickly understand some key points to an effective website. Our favorite part of this series is the caveman grunt test. Check it out and see if your site passes the test.
3 reasons a focused digital marketing strategy will save you time and grow your nonprofit
Obviously, we are biased about this resource since we created it ourselves. Our goal is to help break down the why behind creating an effective website. Most companies have two major goals – saving time and growing revenue. We show you how a focused digital strategy will accomplish both.